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Guinea Fowl


  • Helmeted Guinea Fowl are well known for being the loud vocal alarm of the poultry world. These inquisitive creatures enjoy spending the majority of their time outside foraging for their food. They love eating ticks, and other bugs they find in their path. They like to roost high up and night time, and you can often find them perching high up in the trees.


  • Guinea Fowl need a slightly higher protein level than chickens, so keep that in mind when you decide to raise them. 


  • They are also very seasonal layers, only laying when the daylight hours are long. They are also well known for going broody and sitting on their own eggs. It takes 28 days for a guinea fowl egg to hatch.


  • Monkman's Poultry keeps Guinea Fowl in Pearl, Pied, Lavender, Royal Purple, Coral Blue, and Buff Dundotte. All colours are in the same pen.

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