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Wheaten Marans egg colour



The chocolate brown egg layer! This French breed generally lays 150+ eggs a year. While they aren't the most prolific layers, those deep brown eggs are well worth it! It is thought that the hens that don't lay as often generally lay the darkest eggs. Males typically weigh between 7 and 9 lbs, and hens 6-7 lbs.


Distinct Physical Characteristics:

Feathered legs (French Standard), bright red comb and wattles (single comb with 5 points), back angled slightly down towards the tail, tail at a 45-degree angle. Also, a marans is only considered a marans if it lays at least a number 4 on the Marans scale.


Marans are part of the Continental Class. Recognized colours include: Black Copper, Wheaten, and White.


Monkman's Poultry is working with Wheaten and Blue Wheaten Marans. 


Project Variety: Black Silver Marans 

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